What Does It Mean When You Need an SR-22 Insurance Policy in Chicago?

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You may have been told you need an SR-22 insurance policy in Chicago. This can be a confusing statement. An SR-22 is a type of document that is sent from the insurance company you are working with to the Illinois Department of Motor Vehicles as a way to show proof that you have coverage. If you have had your license suspended and then reinstated, you may be required to pursue this type of coverage.

Why Do You Need It?

The state has very specific requirements for drivers. That is, they want to ensure that if you are on the roadways that you have adequate car insurance to protect other drivers if you cause damage to their body or their vehicle. Coverage requirements in the state included $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident in injury or death coverage and $20,000 in property coverage. These are the bare minimum requirements for liability insurance to operate a vehicle.

An SR-22 insurance policy in Chicago is a requirement when, for some reason, you lost your license or otherwise have stipulations on your driving privileges. This is common, for example, if you have had a DUI. With this requirement, you will need to show proof of coverage, or the DMV is unlikely to reinstate your license. With it in place, you may be able to continue to drive.

The key to remember is that obtaining an SR-22 insurance policy in Chicago requires working with a trusted insurer that offers high risk coverage. These organizations can help you to obtain this documentation to provide to the DMV. That means you can get the coverage you need to get back behind the wheel and still meet the DMV’s requirements for you. If you lose this coverage for any reason, the DMV will be told about that, too.

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